This page provides links to research, particularly about psychoanalytic psychotherapy. If I have included a link to a piece of research or an organisation here, it is because I think the information or the site is interesting or useful – it doesn’t imply any organisational link or endorsement, unless that is stated.

The following link will take you to a description of psychoanalytic therapy and a link to research on its impact and effectiveness
This provides a short description of psychodynamic psychotherapy and some of its strengths
This link will take you to research cited by the Institute of Psychoanalysis (which has no responsibility for the contents of this website and I’m not a member of) about research they’ve compiled on the effectiveness of psychoanalysis:
Here, from the British Medical Journal and freely available on the web, is a rather dated (from 2011) but very robust debate by proponents and opponents of psychoanalysis and its place in mental health. Decide what you think for yourself.
This link is to the Tavistock Adult Depression Study which was the first randomized controlled trial in the NHS ‘to establish if long term psychoanalytic psychotherapy provides relief for patients suffering from chronic depression not helped by the treatments currently provided: antidepressants, short-term courses of counselling or cognitive behavioural therapy’. Among other things, this long-term, in-depth study found that 44 per cent of the patients who were given 18 months of weekly psychoanalytic psychotherapy no longer had major depressive disorder when followed up two years after therapy had ended. The comparative figure for those receiving the NHS treatments provided at the time of the study was only 10 per cent. The results were made publicly available.